Thanks to Kevin Howett for the beta on this stone...
Samson’s Stone (825220)
This single glacial erratic lies in a field on the north edge of the woods of Creag na Gaoith, west of Crieff. A subsidiary hill is clearly identified from miles around by the vertical
The boulder is rounded schist, not particularly high, but offers short vicious problems on small holds and a desperate traverse.
It lies in the field, just off the track. Access it as for the monument path, but contour off left 50m up the path. The south face (facing the track) is very low and an easy step gains the top. The problems are described from here rightwards.
1. Slap Head V3 (6a) S Muir 07.05.03
From the big bucket, gain the rounded lip of the boulder on the left and traverse it left to pull onto the top at the easy side.
2. Slap Them Thigh’s V2 (6a) K Howett 15.04.03
From the big bucket hold gain the open scoop above.
3. Shooting Crows V5 (6b) T Carruthers 08.06.03
SS on the round pocket and a sharp hold for the right hand. Move up right into a big shallow hole, then direct.
4. Runnel on Empty V5 (6c) K Howett 15.04.03
Towards the right end of the north face is the line of a shallow scoop containing a vertical runnel. SS on two small holds above head height containing tiny pebbles. Bridged footholds. Pull up into the striking runnel and a further hard move to gain the top.
VARIATION: V3 (6b). SS at the same point but using the pocket down and left to help get established.
5. Beefcake V5 (6c) K Howett Nov 2003
SS on a flake crack and undercling in the base of the arete right of ‘Runnel..’. Vicious pull directly up the rounded arete to reach sharp holds and finish direct.
6. The Hollow Lamb V3 (6b)K Howett 15.04.03
SS on the flake crack undercling as for the above route. Vicious pull to get a foot established on the hold on the right, then out right to the flake. Finish up the slab direct.
7. Dragging Excess Wool Around V4 (6a)
K Howett Nov 2003
To the right of the flake, near the edge of the wall, SS on an obvious handrail, then move leftwards on small holds (not using the top of the boulder) into the big flake of Hollow Lamb, then step left again onto the arete at the sharp holds of Beefcake. Move round into Runnel on Empty to finish up the wall to the left of that route.