...nothing pleases the boulderer more than a forecast of endless blue skies and cool morning conditions: the feel of cold rock before the sun hits, burning tips from cool slopers, the sundial shadows of the gnomon bloc, the Scots Pines ember red with alpen glow; or the snow-etched mountain backdrops, rocks on the skyline mistaken for people, drinking fom the snowmelt burns... Glen Nevis waters What pleases me most about bouldering is this rare combination of perfection...holding the project crimp just sweetly, sending the line, nattering with friends & encouraging them on, gasping up steep crispy hummock-grass to a glimpsed boulder in the pines of Glen Nevis, dipping my head in the cool blue stone-smoothing waters, finding that crucial body postion that suddenly brings clarity to your head as you float through the bloc... It has been a rare period of fineness. Glen Croe has been in good nick and the classic lines are seeing repeats: Turbinal Nose is the most popular, with quick a...